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Here to foster your music future!

Our Variety and Affordable Costs Is Our Strength

Superior Sounds Music offers music education and artist development. For music education, we provide private or group music lessons on guitar, bass, ukulele, piano, drums, violin, viola, cello, vocals, music theory and songwriting to all age ranges. For artist development, we help up-and-coming musicians and artists reach a wider audience by networking, song development, promotions, branding, marketing and getting gigs.

Meet the Owner 

Andrew Johnson

Andrew Johnson is a bi-coastal multi-instrumentalist that has been performing, educating and developing musicians for a decade. Mr. Johnson was awarded his Bachelor’s Degree in Classical Guitar Performance at the highly acclaimed West Chester University of Pennsylvania. There, he studied with Grammy Award-winning guitarist David Cullen, and was President of the WCU Guitar Ensemble. He also had the privilege of performing in masterclasses with the great Jason Vieaux and Jeremy Lyons, in which he received high acclamation for his technique. 

Andrew is now pursuing his Masters in Music Industry at the world renowned Thornton School of Music at the University of Southern California. His emphasis is on Performance, Live Touring and Entrepreneurship/Marketing/Branding. For his performance focus he has the pleasure of learning from the amazing Grammy Award-winning Scott Tennant on classical guitar and Ginny Luke on Cello.  He's absorbed all the knowledge of touring and live performances from the phenomenal Kevin Lyman, founder of the Vans Warp Tour. Andrew also got a complete breakdown of the music industry fundamentals including contracts, licensing and royalties from the Grammy Award-winning Andrae Alexander.  


Andrew began his professional career on the east coast as an educator at Penn Wood High School Marching Band. There he was the Assistant Director for 3 years. His methods and ideas lead the band to championships, where they placed 2nd out of 35. He also worked with the Jazz & Concert bands, running workshops and sectionals to help develop individual skills grow. Since then Andrew has provided private in-home and studio lessons to all age ranges around the greater Philadelphia and Los Angeles areas. He taught guitar, bass, piano, drums, ukulele, violin, viola, cello, vocals, songwriting and music theory across all genres. Andrew has also managed a small east coast tour and has helped the National Children's Chorus produce shows at the acclaimed Beverly Hilton and Walt Disney Concert Hall. After absorbing all the knowledge in the music world and building a good reputation with loyal clients, he launched Superior Sounds Music in 2022 to continue to spread music by educating and developing musical talent. 

Superior Sounds Music Promo Video 1
Recuerdos de la Alhambra
Lágrimas De Granada
Tango Suite No. 1
Concordancias: 1 & 2
Koyunbaba Moderato
Vibrazone Finale
American Boy (Cover)
American Boy Continued (Cover)
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